Thursday, April 25, 2013

Pretty Soon.

On Saturday April 27th, that will be the day that Jake and I will have fun all day long. Why? because it is our year and 6 months of being together, not too special but it is a year in a half of being together and it is my longest relationship. Things between him and I were shaky the last couple of weeks but it was so cute because all he told me was: "I cannot lose you Krissy, you seriously are my everything and without you I am lost, I am a mess, and I am missing my family. I want to be here to watch my family grow and to be here when you're sad or down to cheer you up and I want to be here for my child and I will not lose both of you. I am being very serious about this and I want to know if you would marry me?" and my heart stopped. He said I know what I did was wrong and it was bad to do that when I was your boyfriend but now as a husband I couldn't live with myself if I did what I had done as your husband. And I just had to say yes because I have loved this kid since I first started talking to him which was 11/26/11 then the next day he came over and hung out for a little bit because I was up north and I got home at 11:30 and he wanted to hang out and smoke a cig and even though we were planning on hanging out the next day he wanted to hang out and my curfew was midnight so we talked outside until then and I hugged him and watched him leave and then I went inside and texted him saying "I really wish I could kiss you" and he said "come outside" and he was right on the street outside of his car and I ran out there and he kissed me and then asked me out and and I said yes and then he kissed me again and he said I will text you until you fall asleep. He was just perfect and I knew from then on that I wanted to be with him forever. Before him I was depressed because every single guy that I had dated since I was 13 cheated on me or used me and I was just to the point where I didn't feel loved anymore and I was alone and I would go to school and come home and sleep and then do it everyday even on the weekends, but after him I have always felt loved and never felt alone and that is why even though I am young and everyone will say "your gonna regret it" I don't care, I want this to work I want this family to work. I don't like my dad because he left me when I was 2 months old and now I can't stand the thought of him because he seriously was never there for me. I don't want that to be the case with Jake and his child. I will try everything I can to make this work and I will try to keep us together.

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