Friday, April 12, 2013

Candy Crush Saga, App Game.

This game. This game above. UGH! I got this game last night and I'm hooked that's not the bad part about this game. The bad part is that you only have a certain amount of lives and if you use them all you have to wait until you can gain them, its called Candy Town and there is a clock that goes by seconds and when you run out of lives it will tell you a time and that's when you can play again which is BULL. Its the original get three candy things lined up and it pops that game, its like Jewels but has games within the games. When you are playing it like Jewels they have some of the candy's in something called Jelly and its just a clear outing on the candy (jewels) and you have the break off the jelly to complete the mission but you only have so many times you can move, or they have missions where there are fruit and you have to bring them to the bottom and you only have a certain amount of moves and it sucks. Its a love hate relationship with this game.

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