Wednesday, March 27, 2013

You Are Fired.

So March 19th  I went into work to ask for more hours after my spring break adventure. My friend Emily had said where were you? and I had asked what? she said the day before I had the night shift but never showed up, I went to my boss and had asked why they never called, they always did. He had said that it wasn't up to them to call me that  I should know when I work, which is true but I hadn't looked and then I had asked if I could make up for it, maybe work another shift. My boss had said that won't be necessary and had asked if I would grab everything from my locker and to give my name badge to him. He had said I was late for the last time and that yesterday wasn't making it better. I hadn't worked a lot in the first place and its hard when you live so far away from your work, they had fired me. I went to my car and cried because its already hard that we have to move from Jake's parents house April 1st and it wasn't fair to Jake cause he was the only one working and I was supposed to be helping cause we didn't want to end up homeless, I also cried because its hard waking up and getting to school because I never feel good and that I was failing school and that even when I tried at school I still seemed  to fail. Now the temp agency called Jake two days ago and said that the job he was working at didn't need him anymore and that they would look for another job for him, they called last night and he has to call this place and see if he has the job. Its just scary cause I have no idea what to do, I am hoping that his mom won't tell us to leave the day we are supposed too but they reason why we have to leave is because originally she didn't like the fact I was pregnant and wanted us out but she moved the date we were supposed to later, now she's not mad she cannot wait to see her grandchild but her daughter Claire wants us out because she doesn't like us and that she's a stupid little brat and I am so nice to her everyday and shes just a bitch, excuse my language but its true. I'll keep you updated into what will happen.

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