Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Some News I Left Out. I'm Pregnant.

Hey there again, so I forgot to tell everyone that I am pregnant. Most of you already know, but for the ones that don't well I am. I'm not ashamed or embarrassed, why? cause its too late now and who cares. I am in my second trimester I am 15 weeks and 2 days. So 3 months and 3 weeks. If I hold my breath I can hear its little heartbeat, that is just so amazing. The doctors said I have a healthy baby, its the right size and the heartbeat is 162 beats per minute and has been that way ever since I was 8 weeks along. My boyfriend and I are really excited, my boyfriend was always at work and he only saw pictures of the baby but hasn't gotten to actually see it moving, when I was 12 weeks along he came to my appointment but thought we were listening to heartbeat and that was it, they surprised him with a free ultrasound and cried when he saw it move. At first Jake was so scared but after a month went by and he realized it wasn't going away he got over it and now is taking care of me when I am my weakest. I didn't plan on getting pregnant but I have the best boyfriend in the whole world who is willing to stay which means everything to me. My friends and Jake think that I am having a boy. My mom and everyone on that side of the family even Jake's mom thinks I'm having a girl. Having a girl would be nice but just think then you have to be scared for her to get pregnant young. I get to find out the sex in 5 weeks. I am so excited.

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