Thursday, September 5, 2013


Today I feel fine. Normally when I wake up I have pelvic pain anywhere from an hour to two hours after I wake up and today I feel more pain and its been like three hours since I had woken up, I think Kiara is going lower into the birth canal. I only have two weeks left so that makes since, I don't think she is coming early, I think she is going to be stubborn. I know for a fact my baby is not going to be small, every time the doctor measures my stomach she tells me that Kiara will not be a small baby. I guessed she would be 8 1/2 pounds and Jake is saying just 8 pounds. I was a big baby and they say normally your baby will be big depending on how big you and your partner were and I was 9 pounds and Jake was 7 pounds so it would make sense that she would be somewhere around 8 pounds. Jake says Kiara will come early but I don't think so, I think she will try to hold on for as long as she can. I just hope they don't have to induce me. I don't know what they do but I would rather my baby just come out when she's ready. If the time comes and she still says she's not ready then I will let them induce me and then have her come home. I've been ready for her since I first found out I was pregnant and now that I know I am close I want her now. I just hope she doesn't try to fight me lol.

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