Monday, October 29, 2012

Vote No On Gay Marriage.

I know my mother is going to kill me but oh well I'll take those chances. I want to vote no but I am also under age. Its hard because my mom is religious and in the bible it says "one man and one woman" and that's what my mom believes and I love her and I will not put her down but I feel that people who are gay should have to right to do what they want and if they really want to get married then so be it go get married. I love gay people they are my life! haha they are amazing and understanding, and I want to be able to help them. Jeffie Massey is my best friend and I call him my twin because we have the same piercings and close to the same colored skin and hair type and we love each other and I want to help him and his boyfriend. A lot of people have their ways and everyone has their rights, but don't put people down because they want to get married, its not like they are saying hey lets make gay porn no they just simply want to get married and live their lives like we people do in our everyday lives. I just would hate to see this all go bad and have many friends that are gay go depressed. If they did put a ban or try to get rid of gay married then hell I would gather them and say lets go get you married in Las Vegas. But please do not right any hate comments on this but this is what I believe in and this is what I'm going to support. LETS GO GAY MARRIED 2012! VOTE NO!!! And p.s. you don't have to be gay to vote for this but if you have loved ones that are gay I would suggest voting no, I have family and my real fathers side that are gay and many friends screw this twisted government! don't be a homophobe vote no! thank you for reading!!!!!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

New Piercings I Want!

Hello new pay check, and hello piercings!

Just Me.

I think of myself as different. Like today I wore my Pikachu hat and my lip rings are mismatched and I'm wearing my crazy yellow and black plaid pants :). why? I don't do it for attention or because I feel like it, something tells me "oh this is right, this is cool" and its just me I can't describe it. I also haven't worn my Pikachu hat since Cookie died and when he was alive and I brought it to school he would take it from me and wear it and finally bring it back to me. I wear what I wear because it makes me feel comfortable and I like it. More of my style is crazy things and neon things, band shirts, and crazy colored skinny jeans, always have a song stuck in my head and often singing it around everywhere I go. I was a shy person but I have blossomed into someone who is more outgoing. I love piercings and wish to have a lot more. Once I have more money I am going to get piercings :) trust me! I'm going out of town this weekend but next week I can pick up my check whenever cause it get it this Friday!

Monday, October 8, 2012

To A Friend.

I'm thinking that it's time to get out
My patients are fading fast
The mind bruises just a little bit easier
Dark times and shadows cast

What are you suffering for?
Your pride or some kind of personal war?
And when you throw it away.
For nothing more than a simple taste.

I'll stay in time and watch you pass by
[paranoia woven deep beneath my skin]
I'll draw this line
and hope you'll take my side (breath slow, breath slow)
you shouldn't have to fight alone
[you shouldn't have to fight at all]
its nobody's battle but your own

panic holds me like a gun
firm and steadfast bleak and cold
I think its time to kill the drama
This life style's getting old

whispers behind closed doors
eyes spy from dark windows
plotting minds that seek to harm me, or maybe not
I don't really know

There is something waiting for me
in the darkest part of my imagination

I'll stay in time and watch you pass by
[paranoia woven deep beneath my skin]
I'll draw this line
and hope you'll take my side (breath slow, breath slow)
you shouldn't have to fight alone
[you shouldn't have to fight at all]
its nobody's battle but your own

This is just self-induced terror
there's more to come
this is just a glimpse
I tell myself it's all in my head
but I'm pretty hard to convince

Oh, there's no relief
Oh, this world can offer
Oh, there's no relief
Oh, this world can offer me

I'll stay in time and watch you pass by
I'll draw this line
and hope you'll take my side
You shouldn't have to fight alone
It's nobody's battle but your own


If you're looking for a good song go look up:
"To A Friend" by Alexisonfire I don't know what music you like but this song is amazing! so give it a chance and listen! WARNING: this song they scream so don't blast the song!

Can't Wait.

So Jake and I are officially looking for apartments to rent, so far we found 3,4 places now we are waiting for call backs but they are nice places for Stillwater. Now that I'm working and Jake has a full time job at Radio Shack and a part time job at Game Stop I think with our money combined we will make it, Jake's mom Jamie said she would pay the down payment and damage deposit but after that she cannot help which is fine because we just need help with that part but everything is going good. Jake and I's one year anniversary is November 27th 2012 :) so things are looking up, I don't think I've ever been this happy ever! No one has proved to me that they will stay and not cheat or use me and guess what? Jake has proven that he won't hurt me or just leave me. This weekend is my road test in Bemidji Mn, and Jake, Jamie and I are going up their cabin for the weekend because it is close to my road test so this is like a road trip for a  license and if I pass this will be a story to tell. But that's my little update for now, catch ya later!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Saddest Day Of My Life That Still Haunts Me...

The day you died made me cry, I miss you. You're more than a best friend cookie you were like a brother always giving me advice and making me believe that I am more than some boring girl. That day you died killed me dude, trust me. Someone told me that you drowned and I thought "what??? he knows how to swim" but then they told me where and what had happened and I just broke down in tears and couldn't hold myself together, even at your funeral was so hard to be at but I showed up cause I know you would do the same if it were me. I'm sorry you had to go but soon again my friend we all will be surrounded by you and asking how you are and just talk. That was probably the worst/saddest day of my life.

Monday, October 1, 2012


Finally tomorrow I start at Tjmaxx and it starts from 3:30 to 7:30 hopefully seeing Jake cause he won't like this change but it'll all be good because I want to move out so this is another step ahead now. Know anywhere that is hiring? Jake needs a job!