Friday, July 13, 2012

Growing up

I just want to stay the age I am and just crawl in bed and hide in my blankets. When we are young we want to be older but now that we're older we want to be younger, why is this? because when you're little you think that when your older you will have an easy life and have things handed down to you and everything will be planned,wrong. Now that you're older you realize, crap now that I have to work for what I want this sucks, you end up paying a lot for what you want and working all the time. The best thing is those who  can balance seeing people and working and still being happy, that's my problem I cannot work this out yet. I'm trying to get a job so I can save up for my car first then after once I have that under control I save money to get an apartment and my boyfriend has to help with that as well and after once we get a place I have to still graduate so I'll be going to school, working, and trying to pay my bills and see everyone. Soon after once I've graduated and have money for college, Jake and I are going to Anoka and while he's at the tech part I'll be going to the Health department to learn about the body and after that be supervised under a professional body piercer and then I'm set. I love piercing even though you may not make a lot of money when you are in this career you will most likely be paid $100.00 an hour. I want to be the inspiration of those and its not just something a "freak" would do its art , along with tattoo's its art. I want to help others that want to be creative to be expressive.


  1. Well that sounds like a great plan, I am happy you have some good ones on the horizon! And if the piercing falls through maybe you can get a job in a hospital or something! ;0)

